Reader Reviews

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Alex McCubbin of The English Dental Practice, Fuengirola

Thank you for writing this very interesting and informative book. I enjoy history even though it can sometimes be a bit dry but you made the story of Fuengirola an easy and entertaining read. This really ought to be required reading for all us English speakers in the area. Well done!

Gaia V Morgan. Wales

The book was amazing, it transported me to a Fuengirola that I could hardly conceive. Invaded by Romans,Vandals and Visigoths even before the Moors arrived – who knew, not me! I can’t wait to return to a ‘new’ Fuengirola (in my eyes) to follow the history of the book which is crammed with gems of knowledge. Bringing us from past to present day Fuengirola we are made aware of the huge amount of money spent – notwithstanding the hard work and effort by the ayunamiento and it’s employees – in order that everyone can enjoy the wonderful beaches. I believe this book has done the town a service and the authors love of Fuengirola shines through.

Arthur Harrow. Dublin

Just to let you know that I’ve now finished the book (cover to cover) and it is a fascinating read and I have to say exceptionally well written. Your style of writing makes it very easy to read. Obviously, a lot of research went into the project and it’s great to have it all written down. Hope you sell thousands of copies!

Suzy Rowe Fuengirola / London

5 Stars!

Congratulations Patrick, a great introduction into the intriguing history of Fuengirola. A ‘must read’ for anyone who is interested in the area or visiting Spain. I cannot imagine how challenging it must have been to tackle such a long and involved history. The unique result is an easy to read book, which gives a wonderful snapshot of both historical and present day events. Personally, I now want to learn more about the Roman occupation, especially their way of life and some of the impressive ruins they left behind!
An amazing history of a wonderful place!

Hazel Glover Torremolinos / London

Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your book. The format of passing through time, dealing with events and developments made it an engaging read. I loved your literary descriptions in the early sections..and your descriptions of the battles etc( how about some fictional story-telling next? )…..
Your reporting of the events and consequences of the Civil War were well balanced with clear explanations of the situation and loyalties..( not an easy task as many find this war very difficult to understand)…..and always maintaining an unbiased stance!
You clearly spent a great deal of time studying other texts as is evident from your bibliography….and carrying out your own research. Your love and dedication to life in Spain ..and Fuengirola in particular shines through!
…and I loved the maps. Very well done…and thank you…I,ll be recommending….

Bruno & Marijke Hoste Christiaens Cabopino

What a great pleasure it was to read it.
An astonishing journey through history and time, and all this related to such a small piece of land in Southern Spain.
How interesting it was to get to know how and what has changed throughout the ages, and how so many things today were predetermined so many years ago.
The pictures of old and new were also very supportive to the story and the maps were really great to discover.
It was a great read, especially the local context of what happened in Spain in general was an eye opener.
It was worth the effort to assemble your documentation and turn it into this book, congratulations!